Brief History

Section 3 - Clients

Intraspect Software, California

Grasp Information Corporation, Massachusetts

General Motors International, Switzerland

E I du Pont de Nemours & Co, Delaware

Xerox Corporation, Massachusetts

Lotus Development Corporation, Massachusetts

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, New York

Admiralty Research Establishment, Ministry of Defence, Great Britain

NYNEX Corporation, New York

US Navy Skill Enhancement Program, Washington DC

US Army Research Institute, Virginia

American Telephone and Telegraph, New Jersey

Pacific Telephone, California

Leading Edge Products, Massachusetts

Johnson Controls, Wisconsin

Recent projects and consulting focus give another view of work performed for clients.

Completed projects for these clients of PANGARO Incorporated constitute over $2.8 million in executed contracts. The next sections describe some of the major projects performed for these clients.

Work by PANGARO Incorporated is generally performed under direct contract on a project basis, though sub-contracting and per diem consultancy may also be appropriate.
Section 4 - The Admiralty Research Establishment

PANGARO Incorporated History - Table of Contents