"A Tao of Cybernetics:
Authority, Revolution, Relationship"
Donna Reese
Dithyramb Production
Wednesday 10 April 96
@Cybersmith in Harvard Square
42 Church Street, Cambridge MA
5:30 to 6:30 pm [Note new time for this Meeting]
Information about Cybersmith: 617-492-5857
In 1979, Bantam Books published Gregory Bateson's book, Mind
and Nature: A Necessary Unity under the imprint of New Age
Books and which was described in this way: "This important
imprint includes books in a variety of fields and disciplines
and deals with the search for meaning, growth, and change. They
are books that circumscribe our times and future."
This meeting of the Cambridge Cybernetics Society will be an
informal discussion group, exploring questions, definitions,
uses, (and abuses) of cybernetics as a term and as a philosophy.
Both the new age and cybernetics originally represented
this search for meaning, growth, and change: what do they mean
now? Are the intentions of these movements related? I would like
to look at the success of second-order cybernetics in articulating,
in post-industrial language, what art, healing, astrology, the
I Ching and other disciplines have represented for centuries.
Cybernetics remains unique in its direct inclusion of technology
and science.
Questions concerning relativism, authority, biology, relationship
are of particular interest, and will be opened in relation to
writings of Humberto Maturana and Gregory Bateson.
Donna Reese is a writer from the West Coast living in Belmont
Massachusetts. She holds a Masters in Whole Systems Design from
Antioch University Seattle.