To raise visibility and reach our funding goals, a COLLOQUY 2018 DONATE page is now available. In just a few days we’ve raised over $1,400 in individual donations from $25 to $500. We appreciate these generous gifts as well as those of our major donors, who have contributed $27K to date. We’re aiming for $34K by May 11th, our intended opening at the annual CCS Student Exhibition.
The gnarliest challenge to replicating a full-scale version of Gordon Pask‘s work for our COLLOQUY 2018 Project is the so-called “female” mobile shape for Colloquy. We consulted the extraordinary craft facilities here at College for Creative Studies and a few great local fabrication shops in Detroit. (Whoa, now I know what “rotocasting” is.) We had made some estimates for costs which were, let’s just say, a little low. But in a breakthrough this week, we’ve secured the services of a fabulous fabrication company in Chicago, Building Brown Workshop to fabricate the 3 female mobiles from models derived by our fabricator, TJ McLeish.
Other work goes on apace, much to be done. Students of MFA Interaction Design are feverishly making documentation of the entire discovery process in reconstructing the 1968 originals.
Please write to colloquy2018@gmail.com if you wish to be on our mailing list or have questions or suggestions.