Our project in replicating Gordon Pask’s Colloquy of Mobiles at the College for Creative Studies (CCS) in Detroit has moved into a new phase: Even as we discuss new venues for showing and ultimately housing the replica permanently, we have wonderful opportunities to present the work to international audiences.
New Presentations: The Living Architecture Systems Group (LASG) is holding its 2019 Symposium at OCADU in Toronto from March 1st through March 3rd with an extraordinary schedule of presentations and discussions. LASG and its director, Philip Beesley, have been strong supporters and sponsors of the COLLOQUY 2018 Project from its inception. LASG’s interest in “kinetic, living architecture” that is immersive and that “enhances human experience” is completely resonant with Pask’s intentions, whether for his Colloquy, or his many interactive machines, or his proposal for a Cybernetic Theatre [PDF] and especially the highly influential Fun Palace.
On March 1st, 2019, LASG’s Symposium opening keynote will forefront Colloquy of Mobiles as a key for understanding Pask’s contributions, before and after he built his Colloquy. Starting from the title “Less Interference, More Dance!”, I hope to reframe interaction design from a Paskian perspective and to answer the questions, What are the principles of interaction embodied in Pask’s machines? And, where might take them from here? Click here for the keynote’s abstract plus links to related material, including a (very large) PDF of the most-recent draft of the presentation. My thanks to Philip and LASG for the invitation to synthesize a point-of-view on the history and future of interaction design.
TJ McLeish with Colloquy in temporary storage at CCS
New Venues: We have safely stored the Colloquy replica at CCS in Detroit, in the same building where it was constructed by TJ McLeish, master fabricator, and the MFA Interaction Design program, part of the CCS Graduate Studies department. Meantime a joint conversation with 3 major institutions in Europe and China are on-going, in efforts to show Colloquy as widely as possible and also to find a home in a permanent collection. We are all anxious to see these conversations move ahead.
Please write to colloquy2018@gmail.com with questions or comments, or if you wish to have access to the growing archive of materials related to the project.
See next update here. The story of the COLLOQUY 2018 Project captured as blog posts start here. The student-made web site is ColloquyOfMobiles.com.