• Pangaro Incorporated


    Innovation Resources

    These materials strive to provide a definition of innovation that is explanatory and actionable.

    Presentation Materials for BASF, "Creative Conditions for Innovation", 2015

    --- Related article by Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble, Stop the Innovation Wars, Harvard Business Review, 2010: contains good advice but does not provide an explanation of what prevents innovation and why; in other words, it is descriptive rather than explanatory

    Presentation Materials download for Innovation Seminar, Instituto ITAÚ Cultural, 2008
    [Quicktime format, click on each slide to continue]

    Interview on the subject of innovation, by Instituto ITAÚ Cultural

    A Model of Innovation in the form of a concept map, written by Hugh Dubberly, Nathan Felde, and Paul Pangaro

    Article about the making of the Innovation Concept Map in ACM Publication, Interactions

    "Notes on the Role of Leadership and Language in Regenerating Organizations", co-authored with Hugh Dubberly, Michael Geoghegan and Peter Esmonde, revised for publication in Driving Desired Futures, Design-Organization-Media Laboratory (DOM), Linz (Germany), 2014. Originally published by Sun Microsystems (link to prior version).

    Last updated September 19, 2015 13:45 EDT