Documents that you have collected into the Intraspect Workplace are part of a historical record in the body of corporate knowledge; they can be easily retrieved or discussed by people within the organization. Since information retrieval is at the heart of the Intraspect Workplace, a sophisticated search mechanism is also built into Intraspect software. You can broaden or refine a search so that you find the specific document that you are looking for whether the document is in the Intraspect Workplace or on the Internet. Intraspect Search finds documents and other objects, such as folders and cabinets, that contain certain words or phrases. Tips for Making Search Selections Follow these simple rules when searching in Intraspect: - The simplest way to search is to enter one or more words and phrases, separated by commas. Spaces between words are also a delimiter.
For example: You can search for the phrase "desktop publisher" and for variations of the word "editor" by using "desktop publisher, editor" as the search entry. - Using AND selects documents that contain all the search elements that you specify.
For example: You can search for documents that contain the topic "HTML" and for at least one variation of the word "editor" by using "HTML and editor" as the search entry. - Using OR selects documents that contain at least one of the search items.
For example: You can search for documents that contain either the topic named "Intraspect" or at least one variation of the word "software" by using Intraspect or software as the search entry. - Using NOT excludes something from a search.
For example: You can search for variations of the word "server," but not for variations of the word "firewall," by entering "server NOT firewall" as the search entry. - The search automatically treats a word as a topic if it matches the name of an existing topic.
For example: You can search for the topic "HTML" and for variations of the word "editor" (because "HTML" is the name of a valid topic) by using "HTML, editor" as the search entry. - Using double-quotation marks delimits the search.
For example: To treat the word "Intraspect" as a word instead of a topic and to search for the word "software" but not for all its variations, you delimit the search by using "Intraspect, software" as the search entry. - Searches are not case sensitive.
For example: You can use "HTML" or "html" in a search and receive the same results. - The search can contain only printable ASCII characters, including spaces. It cannot contain any control characters, such as tabs, carriage returns, and so on. You cannot search for certain non-alphanumeric characters, including the slash (/), bar (|), at sign (@), pound sign (#), ampersand (&), and dash (-).
For example: If you search for the phrase "Tom & Harry" or "Tom/Harry," the search engine considers both examples as two separate words, but it finds both words together as a single phrase. - You can use a wildcard character (*) in your search.
For example: To search for the word "software" you can enter "soft*," "*ware," or "s*re." To search for a string of characters when you do not know the exact spelling, use "*soft*." - To maintain confidentiality, Intraspect does not index the contents of any password-protected documents. You cannot search for the content of protected documents.