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Gordon Pask at the North American Gordon Pask Archive in 1989. |
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Frank Galuszka, then-President of the American Society for Cybernetics at Pask Archive in 1996, holding the only known surviving part of the Eucrates teaching/learning machine. |
** 1. "Automatic Teaching Techniques". <<British
Communications and Electronics>>, April 1957.
2. "A teaching machine for radar training". <<Automation
Progress>>, April 1957, 214-217.
** 3. "Electronic keyboard teaching machines". <<Journal.
Nat.Assoc. Education and Commerce>>, July 1958. Reprinted
in <<Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning>> Volume1,
Editors, R. Glaser and A. Lumsdaine. Washington: Nat. Editor Assoc.,
1960, 336-349.
** 4. "Teaching Machines". <<Proceedings of 2nd
Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1958>>,
Gauthier Villars, 1960, 961-968.
** 5. "The growth process in the cybernetic machine".
<<Proceedings of 2nd Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics,
Namur 1958>>, Gauthier-Villars, 1960, 765-794.
** 6. "Physical analogues to the growth of a concept".
In <<Mechanisation of Thought Processes>>, Editor
A. Uttley. London: HMSO, 1959, 877-922.
7. "Organic control and the cybernetic method". <<Cybernetica>>,
3, 1958.
** 8. "The natural history of networks". In <<Self
Organising Systems>>, Editors, M. C. Yovits and S. Cameron.
London: Pergamon Press, 1960, 232-261.
** 9. "Artificial Organisms". <<General Systems
Yearbook>>. Volume 4, 1959. 151-170.
10. "Teaching Machines". <<The Overseas Engineer>>,
February, 1959. (Pask G. and Wiseman D.)
11. "Electronic teaching machines". <<Control
Engineering>>, November, 1959. (Pask G. and Wiseman D.)
12. "The self-organising teacher". <<Automated
Teaching Bulletin>>, The Rheem-Califone Corp. Volume 1,
No. 2. December 1959.
** 13. Miscellaneous technical reports on self-organising systems,
Contract ONR-1834-21, University of Illinois, 1959-1960. (with
Heinz von Foerster)
** 14a. "The teaching machine as a control mechanism".
<<Trans. Soc. Instr. Technol.>>, Volume 12. No. 2.
June 1960. 72-89.
** 14b. "Tomorrow's Control Systems Can Learn From Experience".
<<Automation Progress>>, February 1959.
** 14c. TITLE UNKNOWN, sponsored by Bob Seidel and Felix Kopstein,
15. "Adaptive teaching with adaptive machines". In <<Teaching
Machines and Programmed Learning>>, Volume 1. Editors, R.
Glaser and A. A. Lumsdaine. Washington: Nat. Editor Assoc., 1960.
** 16. "A predictive model for self-organising systems".
<<Cybernetica>>, 4, 1960, 258-300 and 1, 1961, 20-55.
(Pask, G. and von Foerster, H.)???
** 17. "A proposed evolutionary model". In <<Principles
of Self-Organisation>>, Editors, H. von Foerster and G.
Zopf. London: Pergamon Press, 1961, 229-254.
** 18. "The simulation of learning and decision-making".
In <<Aspects of the Theory of Artificial Intelligence>>,
Editor, C. Muses. New York: Plenum Press, 1962, 165-210.
** 19. <<An Approach to Cybernetics>>. London: Hutchinson,
1961, 68-72.
20. "Control systems that learn from experience". <<Automation
Progress>>, February 1959, 43-57.
** 21. "Machines that teach". <<New Scientist>>,
10th June, 1961.
** 22. "Adaptive systems and their possible applications
in medicine". <<Proceedings 1st. Congress Assoc.,"Medical
Cybernetics", Naples 1961>>.
23. "Cybernetics becomes a well defined science". <<Control>>,
November 1961.
** 24a. "The cybernetics of evolutionary processes and of
self-organising systems". <<Proceedings of 3rd. Congress
International. Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1961>>, Gauthier-Villars,
1964, 27-74.
** 24b. "The simulation of social differentiation and biological
induction". <<Proceedings of 3rd. Congress International.
Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1961>>.
** 25. "The Self-Organising System of a Decision Making Group".
<<Proceedings of 3rd. Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics,
Namur 1961>>, Gauthier-Villars, 1965, 814-827.
26. "A cybernetic model of concept learning". <<Proceedings
of 3rd. Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1961>>,
Gauthier-Villars, 1965.
27. "Interaction between man and an adaptive machine".
<<Proceedings of 3rd Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics,
Namur 1961>>, Gauthiers-Villars, 1965, 951-964.
** 28. "A discussion of the cybernetics of learning behavior".
In <<Nerve, Brain and Memory Models>>, Editors, N.
Wiener and J. P. Shade. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Co., 1963,
** 29. "A proposed experimental method for behavioural sciences".
In <<Progress in Biocybernetics>>, Volume1, Editors,
N. Wiener and J. P. Shade. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Co.,
1864, 171-180.
** 30. "Comments on an indeterminancy that characterises
a self-organising system". In <<Cybernetics of Neural
Processes>>, 1962, Editor, E.R. Caianiell. Consiglio Nazionale
delle Richerche, 1965, 1-30.
** 31. "Physical and linguistic evolution in self-organisingsystems".
In <<Optimising and Adaptive Control>>, Editors,L.
E. Bellinger, J. G. Truxell and E. J. Minnar. Pittsburgh: Inst.
Soc. Amer., 1963, 199-228.
32. "The logical type of illogical evolution". In <<Information
Processing>>, 62, Editor, C. M. Popplewell. Amsterdam: North
Holland Publishing Co., 1963, 482-483.
** 33. "Interaction between a group of subjects and an adaptive
automaton to produce a self-organising system for decision making".
In <<Self-Organising Systems>>, M. C. Yovits, G. T.
Jacobi and G. D. Goldstein. 1962, 283-312.
** 34. "An Adaptive Automaton for Teaching Small Groups".
<<Perceptual and Motor Skills>>, Volume 14, 1962,
35. "Musicolour"; (PI)"Self-organising pumps and
barges"; "Can thinking make it so?". Miscellaneous
contributions in <<The Scientist Speculates>>, Editor,
I. J. Good. London: Heineman, 1962.
** 36. "My predictions for 1984". <<Prospect>>,
Editor, R. Bannister. London: Hutchinson, 1962.
37. "Teaching Machines". Contributions to <<USSR
Encyclopedia>> on Automated Production and Industrial Electronics,
Moscow, 1962.
** 38."The logic and behavior of self-organising systems
as illustrated by the interaction between man and adaptivemachines".
<<International. Symposium Information Theory, Brussels
39. "A model for learning applicable within systems stabilised
by an adaptive teaching machine". <<USAF ContractAF61
(052)-402>>, Technical note No. 1, ASTIA, 1962.
** 40. "The conception of a shape and the evolution of a
design". In <<Conference on Design Methods>>,
Editors, J. C. Jones and D. G. Thornley. London: Pergamon Press,
** 41. "A cybernetic model of human data processing".
In <<Information Processing in the Nervous System>>,
Volume III, Excerpta medica International. Congress, series No.
49, Editor, R. W. Gerard. Leiden, 1962, 218-233.???
42. "Machine a enseigner". Cegos, Paris, 1962.???
43. "Comments on semantic machines". Artorga, 49, 1963.???
** 44. "Self-organising systems involved in human learning
and performance". In <<Proceedings of 3rd. Bionics
Symposium, Dayton, Ohio 1963>>, USAF ASD-TDR-63-946, ASTIA,
1964, 247-335.
** 45. "Statistical computation and statistical automata".
In <<Neuere Ergebnisse der Kybernetik>>, Editors,
K. Steinbuch and S. W. Wagner. Oldenburg, 1963, 69-81.
** 46. "Machines that interact with man". <<Aslib
Proceedings>>, 15, 4, 1963.
47. "artificial evolutionary systems". <<Automatika>>,
4, 1961. (Pask G. and Bailey C. E. G.).
** 48. "A model for concept learning". <<10th
International. Congress on Electronics, Rome 1963>>. Fondazione,
"Ugo Borden", 73-105.???
** 49. "Learning machines". Survey paper presented at
IFAC Conference, Basle, 1963, in <<Automatic and Remote
Control>>, London: Butterworths, 1965, 393-411.
50. "Adaptive Teaching Machines". In <<Teaching
Machines>>, Editor, K. Austwick. London: Pergamon Press,
1964, 79-112.
** 51. Viewpoint. <<Control>>, March, 1964.
** 52. "Adaptive teaching systems". <<Cybernetica>>,
2, 1964, 125-143.
** 53 "A discussion of artificial intelligence and self-organisation",
In <<Advances in Computers>>, Volume 5, Editor, M.
Rubinoff. New york: Academic Press, 1964, 110-226.
** 54. "Thresholds of Learning and Control". <<Data
and Control>>, February, 1964.
** 55. "Man as a system that needs to learn". In <<Automaton
Theory and Learning Systems>>, Editor, D. Stewart. London:
Academic Press, 1968, 137-208.
** 56. "The use of analogy and parable in cybernetics with
emphasis upon analogies for learning and creativity". <<Dialectica>>,
17, 1963, 167-202.
** 57. "Proposals for a cybernetic theater". Privately
circulated monograph, System Research Ltd. and Theater Workshop,
** 58. <<An investigation of learning under normal and adaptively
controlled conditions>>, Doctoral Thesis, London University,
** 59. "Teaching as a control-engineering process".
<<Control>>, January, February, March, April, 1965.
(Two versions with the same title.)
60. "Ampassungsfahige Lehrmaschinen zur Gruppenschulung".
In <<Kybernetische Maschinen>>, Editor, H. Frank.
Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 1964. Also in <<Programmiertes
bernen und Programmierter Unterricht>>, 3, 1964, 114-120.
** 61. "Comments on the cybernetics of ethical, psychological
and sociological system". In <<Progress in Bio- Cybernetics>>,
Volume 3, Norbert Weiner Memorial Volume, Editor, J. P. Shade.
Elsevier Press, 1966, 158-250.???
** 62. "The theory and practice of adaptive teaching systems".
In <<Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning>>,
Volume 11, "Data and Directions", Editor, R. Glaser.
Washington: Nat. Educ. Assoc., 1965, 213-266. (Lewis, B. N. and
Pask, G.)
** 63. "The development of communication skills under adaptively
controlled conditions". <<Programmed Learning>>,
2, 69-88, 1964. (Pask, G. and Lewis, B. N.)
** 64. "Tests for some features of a cybernetic model of
learning". Presented at Symposium on Cybernetic Problems
in Psychology, Humbolt University, DDR Berlin, 1964. Zeitschrift
fur Psychologie BD 171, Kybernetik Sonderband,
** 65. " A typical adaptively-controlled experiment in perceptual
discrimination". Paper and demonstration at <<London
Conf. of Brit. Psych. Soc., December 1964>>. (Pask, G. and
Lewis, B. N. and Watts, D.)
** 66. "Cybernetic Approach to the Experimental Psychology
of Learning". <<3rd. Congress International. Assoc.
Medical Cybernetics, Naples 1964>>.
67. "Report on cybernetic experimental method". <<4th
Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1964>>,
Gauthier-Villars, 1967.
68. "Report on evolutionary simulation". <<4th.
Congress International. Assoc. Cybernetics, Namur 1964>>,
Gauthier- Villars, 1967.
69. "Advertising as a Symbolic Game". <<Advertising
Quarterly>>, February, 1965.
70. Research on the design of adaptive teaching systems with a
capability for selecting and altering criteria for adaption. Miscellaneous
reports under <<USAF Contract No. AF61.(052)-402>>,
1961-1965, ASTIA (Pask, G. and lewis, B. N. et al)
71. Research on cybernetic investigation of learning and perception.
Miscellaneous reports under <<USAF Contract No. AF61 (052)-640>>,
1962-1965, ASTIA, (Pask, G. and Lewis, B. N. et al)
** 72. A study of group decision making and communication patterns
under conditions of stress and overload when the participants
are permitted to function as a self-organising system. Miscellaneous
reports under <<US Army Contracts DA-91-591-EUC 2753 and
DA-91-591-3607>>, 1963-1965, ASTIA. (Pask, G. and Lewis
B. N. et al)
** 73. "Tests for a simple learning and perceiving artifact".
<<Cybernetica>>, Volume 2, 1966, 75-90. (Pask, G.
and Feldman, R.)
** 74. "Man/Machine interaction in adaptively controlled
experimental conditions". <<Bul. Maths. Biophysics>>,
Volume 27, 1965.
** 75. "Comments on the organisation of men, machines and
concepts". In <<Education for Information Science>>,
Editors, Markussan and Goodman. Spartan Press and MacMillan, 1965,
** 77. "A brief account of work on Adaptively Controlled
Teaching Systems". <<Kybernetika>>, cisclo 4,
Rocnik 2/1966, Academia Praha, 287-299.
78. "Le intelligenze artificiali". <<Sapere>>,
Volume LXVII, No. 678, June 1966, 344-348.
** 79. "The Adaptively Controlled Instruction of a Transformation
Skill". <<Programmed Learning>>, April 1967,
74-86. (Pask, G. and Lewis, B. N.)
** 80. "The Method of Adaptively Controlled Psychological
Learning Experiments". IFAC Symposium, Teddington 1965>>,
Amer. Instr. Soc. Published in <<Theory of Self Adaptive
Control Systems, Plenum Press, 1966, 70-86. (Pask, G. and Mallen,
G. L.)
** 81. "The Control of Learning in Small Subsystems of a
Programmed Educational Systems". <<IEEE Transactions
on Human Factors in Electronics>>, Volume HFE. 8, No. 2,
June 1967, 88-93.???
** 82. "Results from Experiments on Adaptively Controlled
Teaching Systems". <<Proceedings of 18th International.
Con. of Psychology, Namur 1964>>, Gauthier-Villars, 1967,
** 83. "Adaptively controlled experiments in learning and
concept acquisition". <<Proceedings of 18th International.
Con. of Psychology, Moscow 1966>>, Akademi Verlag, 1967,
84. "Some difficulties encountered in psychological experiments
on learning". <<BP Review>>, Editor, A. Allebe.
June 1967.
** 85. "Men/machines and the control of learning". <<Educational
Technology>>, Volume VI, No. 22, November, 1966.
86. "Adaptive teaching systems". <<British Association
for the Advancement of Science>>, Univ. of Leeds 1967.
87. "A look into the future". In <<Mechanisation
in the Classroom>>, Editor, M. Goldsmith. Souvenir Press,
** 88. "A Cybernetic Model for some types of learning and
mantation". Bionics Symposium, Dayton, Ohio 1966. In <<Cybernetic
Problems in Bionics>>, Editors, H. C. Oestreicher and D.
R. Moore. Gordon and Breach, 1968, 531-585.
** 89. "The use of a Null point method to study the Acquisition
of Simple and Complex Transformation Skills". <<Brit.
Journal. of Math and Stat. Psychology, Part 1>>, May, 1968,
61-84. (Pask, G. and Lewis, B. N.)
** 90. "Some Mechanical Concepts of Goals, Individuals, Consciousness
and Symbolic Evolution". <<Wenner-Gren Conf. on the
Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaption, August 1968>>,
extracts in <<Our Own Metaphor>>, Bateman, C. New
York: Knopf, 1972.
** 91. "Comments on Men, Machines and Communication between
them". <<Vision 67 Conference, New York 1967>>.
92. "Cybernetics". <<Encyclopaedia Britannica>>,
Volume 6, 936b.
** 93. "The Computer-Simulated Development of Populations
of Automata". In <<Mathematical Biosciences>>,
4, Elsevier Press, 1969, 101-127.
** 94. "Psychology, Use of Models(Learning)". <<Encyclopaedia
of Linguistics, Information Control>>, Pergamon Press, 1969,
** 95. "Adaptive Machines". <<Proceedings of NATO
Symposium on Major Trends in Programmed Learning Research, Nice
1968>>, in <<Programmed Learning Research>>,
Dunod, 1969, 251-261. Reprinted in <<Contributions to an
Educational Technology>>, Editors, I. K. Davies and J. Hartley.
London: Butterworths, 1972, 57-69.
** 96. "The Self-Organisation of a Three Person Task Oriented
Group". <<Proceedings of NATO Symposium, on the Simulation
of Human Behavior, Paris 1967>>, in <<The Simulation
of Human Behavior>>, Dunod, 1969, 291-311. (Pask, G. and
Lewis, B. N.)
** 97. "A learning model capable of "attention"
and hampered by "boredom" and "fatigue"".
<<Proceedings of NATO Symposium on the Simulation of Human
Behavior, Paris 1967>>, in <<The Simulation of Human
Behavior>>, Dunod, 1969, 53-54.
** 98. "Interaction between a Teaching Machine and the Student's
Attention Directing System". <<Proceedings of 16th
International. Cong. of Applied Psychology>>, Amsterdam:
Swets and Zetlinger, 1969, 269-280.
** 99. "Some recent Advances in Adaptively Controlled Teaching
Systems". <<Proceedings of 5th International. Cong.
on Cybernetics, Namur 1967>>, Gauthier-Villars, 1969, 256-260.
** 100. "Adaptive Metasystems". <<Proceedings
of 5th International. Cong. on Cybernetics, Namur 1967>>,
Gauthier-Villars, 1969, 256-260.
101. "A Method for studying the flucuations and division
of attention, when the level of goal achievement is held at a
constant value". In <<Systems in a study of the Brain
functional Organisation>>, Editor, V. Shumilina. A volume
dedicated to Prof. P. Anohkin. Russia, 1969.
102. "The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics". <<Architechtural
Design>>, Sept., Editor, R. Landau. 1969, 494-496.
** 103."Strategy, Competence and Conversation as Determinants
of Learning". <<Programmed Learning>>, October,
1969, 250-267.
** 104. "Cognitive Systems". In <<Cognition a
Multiple View>>, Editor, P. L. Garvin. New York: Spartan,
1970, 349-405.
** 105. "Computer Assisted Learning and Teaching". In
<<Proceedings of the Leeds Seminar on Computer Based Learning>>,
Editors, J. Annett and J. Duke. NCET, 1970, 50-63.
** 106. "The meaning of Cybernetics in the Behavioural Sciences".
In <<Progress of Cybernetics>>, Volume 1, Editor,
J. Rose. Gordon and Breach, 1970, 15-45. Reprinted in <<Cybernetica>>,
No. 3, 1970, 140-159 and in No. 4, 1970, 240-250. Reprinted in
<<Artoga Communications>>, 1971, 146-148.
** 107. "Fundamental Aspects of Educational Technology, illustrated
by the principles of conversational Systems". In <<Proceedings
of IFIP World Conf. on Computer Education>>, Volume 1, Invited
Papers, Editor, R. Sheepmaker. Amsterdam: IFIP, 1970, 1/29-1/52.
108. "Cybernetics and Education". Paper at Academic
Session H. M. Baudoin on the 10th Anniversary of the International.
Assoc. of Cybernetics, 1970.???
109. "Lectures in the philosophy of cybernetics". Summer
School Adaptive and Lernende Systems in Biologie und Technick
at the University of Berlin, July 1966.
** 110. "Teaching Machines". In <<Modern Trends
in Education>>, Editor, Brian Rose. MacMillan, Sept. 1971,
** 111. "Essays on the Ethics and Aesthetics of Control".
Paper presented at Wenner-Gren Symposium on the Moral and Aesthetic
Structure of Human Adaptation, Burg Wartenstein, July 1969.
111a. "Des Machines Qui Apprennant". In <<Le Dossier
de La Cybernetique>>, Editors, A. Schellars et S. Godwin.
Marabout Universite 150 Presses Gerard Verviers Belguim, 1969,
** 112. "Learning and Teaching Strategies in a Transformation
Skill". <<Brit. Journal. of Math and Stat. Psychology>>,
Volume 24, November 1971, 205-229.(Pask, G. and Scott, B. C. E.)
** 113. "Interaction between Individuals, Its Stability and
Style". <<Mathematic Biosciences>>, Volume 11,
American Elsevier Publication, June 1971, 59-84.
** 114. "A Comment, a Case History and a Plan". In <<Cybernetic
Serendipity>>, Editor, J. Reichardt. Rapp and Carroll, 1970.
Reprinted in <<Cybernetic Art and Ideas>>, Editor,
J. Reichadt. London: Studio Vista, 1971, 76-99.
** 115. "Models for Social Systems and for their languages".
<<Wenner-Gren Symposium, 1966>>, Editor, H. von Foerster.
In <<Instructional science>>, Volume 1, 1973, 39-5,
445.???( see orig for meaning of pg.#., also did heinz edit w-g
symposium or instruc. sciences?)
** 116. "Learning and Teaching Systems". In <<Survey
of Cybernetics>>, Editor, J. Rose. Iliffe Books Ltd., 1969,
Chapter 9, 163-186.
117. "Education 2000". In <<New Directions in
Education Technology>>, Editors, B. N. Lewis and R. W. Lyne.
1969. Read at the East Burnham Conference on Educational Technology,
May 1968.
** 118. "A Cybernetic Experimental Method and its Underlying
Philosophy". In <<International. Jrl. Man-Machine Studies>>,
January, 1972, 279-337.
119. "Organisation and Instruction of Office Skills Involving
Communication Data Retrieval and Data Recognition".Department
of Employment, final scientific report, October 1970.
120. "A Review of Research on Learning under this and previous
contracts. Its application to the Teaching, Training and Evaluation
of Problem Solving Skills.>>. System Research Ltd., April
121. "Domestic Consumer Response Prediction Report on Phase
B of the Project". The North Thames Gas Board, System Research
Ltd., June 1971.
** 122. "Learning Strategies and Individual Competence".
SSRC Final Scientific Report, December 1970. (Pask, G. and Scott,
B. C. E.)
** 123. "CASTE Manual" (5 volumes ) System Research
Ltd., December 1971. (PI has Volume 1,2,4,5)
124. "Uncertainty Regulation in Learning Applied to Procedures
for Teaching Concepts of Probability". Final Scientific Report
SSRC Research Grant HR 1203/1, System Research Ltd., January 1972.
(Pask, G. and Scott, B. C. E.)
125. "Driving Strategies for Learner Drivers". RRL Report,
June 1970.
126. "Description of the Driver Communication Training Module".
RRL Report, March 1971. (Pask, G. and Brieske, G.)
** 127. "A Fresh Look at Cognition and the Individual".
<<International. Jrl. Man-Machine Studies>>, 4, 1972,
** 128. "Anti-Hodmanship: a Report on the State and Prospects
of CAI". <<Programmed Learning and Educ. Tech.>>,
Volume 9, No. 5, September 1972, 235-244.
** 129. "Learning Strategies and Individual Competence".
<<International. Jrl. Man-Machine Studies>>, Volume
4, 1972, 217-253. (Pask, G. and Scott, B. C. E.)
** 130. "Learning Strategies, Memories and Individuals. In
<<Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Ecology>>,
proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium of the ASC, Editors, H.
W. Tobinson and D. E. Knight. New York: Spartan Books, 1973.
131. "CASTE: A System for exhibiting learning strategies
and regulating uncertainty". <<International. Jrl.
for Man- Machine Studies>>, Volume 5, 1973, 17-52. (Pask,
G. and Scott, B. C. E.)
** 132. "Die Automatisierung des Unterrichts und die Natur
des Lernens". In <<Fortschrite und Ergebnissie det
Bildunstechnologie>>, Editors, H. B. Rollet and K. Weltner.
Ehrenwirth Verlag, 1973, 86-111.
** 133. "A Theory of Conversations and Individuals (Exemplified
by the Learning Process on CASTE)". <<International.
Jrl. Man-Machine studies>>, Volume 5, 1973, 443-566. (Pask,
G., Scott, B. C. E. and Kallilourdis, D.)
134. "Complexity and Limits". <<Architectural
Design>>, 10, Editor, R. Landau. 1972, 622-624.
135. "Educational Methods using Information about Individual
Styles and Strategies of Learning". Final Scientific Report
SSRC Grant HR 1424/1, June 1973, System Research Ltd.. (Pask,
G. and Scott, B. C. E.)
136. "Entailmaent and Task Structures for Educational Subject
Matter". Final Scientific Report SSRC Grant HR 1876/1, 1974,
System Research Ltd..(Pask, G., Scott, B. C. E. and Kallilourdis,
137. "Joint Report". On SSRC projects HR 1876/1 and
HR 1424/1 (material issued in connection with the final reports
on these projects), September 1973, System Research Ltd.
138. "An Invention relying upon the value of 'Invention'".International.
Symposium on the history and philosophy of Technology, Univ. of
Illinois, Chicago Circle, May 1973, in <<School of Information
Science Reports>>, Atlanta, Georgia: Institute of Technology,
139. "Prinsipious de Aprendizagem e de control", In
<<Cybernetica e Communicado>>, Universidade Sao Paulo.
Editor Cultrix, 1973.
140. "Partial Analysis of a Course in Education". Open
University Monograph, 1973.
** 141. "Artificial Intelligence - a Preface and a Theory".
In <<Machine Intelligence in Design>> [became <<Soft
Architecture Machines>>], Editor, N. Negroponte. MIT Press.
(with some correspondence)
142. "How People Learn and What People Know". <<Proceedings
NATO Conference on Cybernetic Modelling of Adaptive Organisations,
Porto, Portugal, August 1973>>.
** 143. "The Nature and Nurture of Learning in a Social Educational
System". <<Agnelli Foundation International Symposium
on Lifelong Learning in an Age of Technology: Prospects and Problems,
Turin, September 1973>>, in <<Proceedings>>,
Editor, K. Richmond.
** 144. "Some Properties of Transmission Lines Composed of
Random Networks". <<Mathematical Biosciences>>,
22, 1974, 155-178. (Shimura, M. and Pask, G.)
** 145. "The Representation of Knowables". <<International.
Jrl. for Man-Machine Studies>>, Volume 17, 1975, 15-134.
(with Kallikourdis, D. and Scott, B. C. E.)
146. "A Cybernetic Theory of Cognition and Learning".
Symposium in 1st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research,
Vienna 1972, under the chairmanship of Prof. F. de P. Hanika,
and Prof. R. Trappl, in <<Journal of Cybernetics>>,
5, 1, 1975, 1-90.
147. <<The Cybernetics of Human Learning and Performance>>.
London: Hutchinson, 1975.
** 148. <<Conversation, Cognition and Learning>>.
Amsterdam, New York: Elsevier, 1975.
149. Contributions to <<Cybernetics of Cybernetics. BCL,
University of Illinois, 1975.
150. Abridged form of "Converstion, Cognition and Learning",
Volume2. Applications in Education and Epistomology, Open University,
IET Monograph, 1975.
151. "An Outline of Conversational Domains and their Structure".
<<Proceedings from 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference>>,
Editors, Scandura, Duram, Wolfech. MERGE ONR, 1975, 231-251.
** 152. "Learning to Live in the Future". Presaidential
Address to the Society for General Systems Research, New York,
January 1975. <<Proceedings Annual Conference, 1975>>,
report System Research Ltd., 1976. To appear in <<Policy
Analysis and System Science>>, 1977.
153. Editor, "Summary Report of Conference on Scientific
Approaches to Decision Making in Complex Systems". Convened
by the European Research Office, London, and the US Army Institute
for the Behavioural Social Sciences, 1975.
154. "Applications and Developments of a Theory of Teaching
and Learning". Final report, SSRC HR 2371/1, 1975. (in two
155. "Regulation of General Evolving Systems: Symbols, Needs
and Hunger in a formal Ecology". In <<Hunger Models:
Quantitative Theory of Feeding Control>>, Editor, D. A.
Booth. London and New York: Academic Press, 434-449.
** 156. "Conversational Techniques in the Study and Practice
of Education". In <<Brit. Jrl. Educational Psychology>>,
Volume 46, I, 1976, 12-25.
** 157. "Styles and Strategies of Learning". In <<Brit.
Jrl. Educational Psychology>>, Volume 46, II, 1976, 128-148.
158. <<Conversation Theory: Applications in Education and
Epistemology>>. Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier Publishing
Co., 1976.
** 159. "Teaching Machines Revisited in the Light of Conversation
Theory". In <<Educational Technology Magazine>>,
Editor, F. Kopstein. 1976.
160. <<Course Assembly Manual>>. SSRC Publication
- draft version. (Pask, G. and Malik, R.)
** 161a. "Minds and Media in Education and Entertainment:
Some Theoretical Comments illustrated by the design and operation
of a system for exteriorising and manipulating individual theses".
<<Proceedings 3rd. European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems
Research, Vienna, 1977>>, Editor, R. Trappl.
** 161b. "An Outline Theory of Media for Education and Entertainment".
Abstract of Papers presented at 3rd. European Meeting on Cybernetics
and System Research, Vienna, April, 1976 and The International.
Conference on Evaluation and Research in Educational Television
and Radio, Open University, April, 1976.
** 162a. "Revisions in the foundations of Cybernetics and
General System Theory as a result of research in education, epistemology
and innovation(mostly in man-machine systems)". <<Proceedings
of 8th. International. Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, Belguim
162b. "Learning Systems - Student Management". <<Proceedings:
Learning Management Based on Formal Models of Behavior and Aptitudes
in CAI>>, UCODI Summer School, Louvain, Belguim 1976.
163. Editor: "Summary Report of Conference on Scientific
Approaches to Decision Making in Complex Systems". Convened
by the European Research Office, London, and the US Army Research
Institute for the Behavioural and Social Sciences, 1976.
** 164. "Cybernetics in Psychology and Education". In
<<Cybernetics: a Source book>>, Editor, R. Trappl.
Washington: Hemisphere Publlishing Corp., 1976.
165. "Summary of Work at System Research". <<AISB
Newsletter>>, November 1976, Editor, T. O'Shea, 1976.
166. "Position Paper for Point Foundation Conference".
Meeting on Mind Body Dualism (chaired by Gregory Bateson), San
Fransisco, 1976. In <<Co-evolution Quarterly>>.
167. <<Calculator Saturnalia>>. 1976. (see #201)
168. "System Analysis of an Open University Course".
IET and Ford Foundation, 1976. Part II of <<New Methods
for Evaluation and Curriculum Design>>, Hawkridge, D., Lewis,
B. N., MacDonald, Ross M., Pask, G., and Scott, B. C. E.
169. "Course Assembly (THOUGHTSTICKER) Manual". With
Bailey, R., Ensor, D., Malik, R., Newton, R., Scott, B. C. E.,
and Watts, D. System Research Ltd. 1976.
170. ""Cartoons" Tests for learning 'style'".
With Ensor, D., Malik, R., Pask, E., Scott, B. C. E. Forms III,
V, VI (computer administered versions are also issued) 1976. SEE
171. "Comments and Suggestions (1976)". In <<Architecture
Machinations>>, Editor, N. Negroponte. Cambridge, MA: MIT,
1976, VolumeII No.32, 2-11 and VolumeII No.33, 2-12. SEE 'MIT'
172. <<Problem Solving>>. Monograph IET Open University
and Ford Foundation, 1977.
** 173. "Knowledge, Innovation and 'Learning to Learn'".
<<Proceedings of NATO-ASI "Structural/Process Theories
of Complex Human Behavior">>, Banff Springs, Canada:
Pub. Noordhoff, Alphan aan den Rijn, 1977, 259-350.
** 174. "Organisational Closure of Potentially Conscious
Systems and Notes".<<Proceedings NATO Congress on Applied
General Systems Research, Recent Developments and Trends, Binghamton,
New York 1977>> and <<Realities Conference, EST Foundation,
San Fransisco 1977. Reprinted in <<Autopoiesis>>,
Editor, M. Zelany. New York: North Holland Elsevier.
175. Contribution and Editing with R. Trappl. Proceedings Volume
IV <<Cognition andlearning>>, Hemishere, 1976.
176. "Ongoing Research at System Research Ltd.". Research
Reports, <<International Cybernetics Newsletter>>,
November 1976, 7-9.
177. Editor: "Decision Making in Complex Systems". <<2nd
ARI Conference>>, Richmond: ARI, 1977.
178. Progress Reports SSRC Research Programme HR2708/2, "Learning
Styles, Educational Strategies and Representations of Knowledge,
Methods and Applications", No. 1, 1974; No. 2, 1975; no.
3, 1977; No. 4, 1978; (ongoing) et al. SEE 'SSRC' ??? what is
ongoing and et al?
179. Progress Reports 1 to 8 (1975 - 1977 Scientific Notes 1 to
5) (ongoing) grannt USAF F44620 "The Influence of Learning
Strategy and Performance Strategy upon Engineering Design",
1975-1977 ongoing (et al). SEE 'AIR FORCE'
180. Progress Reports No. 1, 2 (ongoing) Grant ARI DAERO 76-G-069,
"Cognitive Mechanisms and Behaviours involved in other than
Institutional Learning and Using Principles of Decision".
1976-1978 (ongoing) et al. SEE 'ARI'
181. Miscellaneous contributions to Microfische BCL publications.
Biological Computer Laboratory, Champpaign,
** 182. "A Cybernatic and Conversation Theoretic Approach
to Conscious Events in Learning and Innovations". <<Proceedings
23rd Annual conference of JUREMA, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, April 1978>>.
** 183. "Consciousness". <<Proceedings 4th European
Meeting on Cybernetics and System research, Linz, Austria, March
1978>>, in <<Journal of Cybernetics>>, Washington:
Hemisphere, 1980, 211-258.
184. "Introductory Comments" and "Consciousness".
In <<Progress in Cybernetics and General Systems Research>>,
Volume VII, Editor, F. Pichler and F. P. de Hanika, Hemisphere,
1980, 279-280 and 343-368, respectively.
** 185. "Applications of Conversation Theory and Knowledge
Structuring to Education". <<British Journal Educational
Psychology>>, 1978.
** 186. "A Converstion Theoretic Approach to Social Systems".
<<Sociocybernetics: An actor oriented social systems theory>>,
Editors, F. Geyer and J. van der Zouwen. Martinus Nijhoff, Social
Systems Section, Amsterdam, 1979, 15-26.
187. Summary of Some points emerging from a discussion of development
in the Mexican educational system at the Foundation Barros Sierra,
the Ministry of education, and elsewhere in Mexico, Internal Memorandum
to Fundacion Barros Sierra, Mexico, System ResearchLtd., 1978.
***Original bibliography skips #188; no entry.***
** 189. Summary of some points emerging from a discussion of development
in the Mexican education system at the Foundation Barros Sierra,
the Ministry of Education, and elsewhere in Mexico, Internal Memorandum
to Fundacion Barros Sierra, Mexico, System Research Research Ltd.,
** 190. "Observable components of the decision process and
a revised theoretical position". <<Proceedings 3rd
Richmond Conference on Decision Making in Complex Systems, August
191. Chairman's report: Symposium on Cybernetics of Cognition
and Learning, EMCSR 78 Linz Austria, <<International Cybernetics
Newsletter>>, <<Journal of Cybernetics>>, Issue
9, Autumn 1978, Hemisphere Publishing,
192. "The Poverty of Mainstream Science and the Indolence
of Cybernetics". President's Address. <<Cyberentic
Society Conference, Brunel University 1978>>.
194. ""Learning to Learn". European Association
for Research and Development in Higher Education, Third Congress
in Klagenfurt, Special Seminar S3. In <<Higher Education>>,
A Field Study, Volume 1, Editor, E. A. van Trotsenburg. Lang,
Klagenfurt: 1979. (with Entwistle, N. J. and Hounsell, D.)
** 195. "Against Conferences" or "The Poverty of
Reduction in Sop-Science and Pop-Systems", <<Proceedings,
Silver Anniversary International Meeting of Society for General
Systems Research, London, August 1979>>, Washington: SGSR,
** 196. "An Essay on the Kinetics of Language, Behavior and
Thought". <<Proceedings, Silver Anniversary Inter-
national Meeting of Society for General Systems Research, London,
August 1979>>, Washington: SGSR, 111-128. ***MAY BE SAME
AS #197***
** 197. "An essay on the Kinetics of Language as illustrated
by a Protologic Lp". <<Proceedings 2nd Congress of
the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Vienna, 2-6
1979>>, workshop on "Fuzzy Formal Semiotcs and Cognitive
Processes". Reprinted in <<Ars Semiotica>>, Amsterdam:
John Benjamins, 1980, 93-127.
***MAY BE SAME AS #196***
** 198. "Automation: Coherence in Organisations and People
who form part of them". In <<Factory Automation>>,
Maidenhead: Infotech Int. Ltd., 1980.
** 199. "Developments in Conversation Theory - Part 1".
In <<International Journal of Man-Machine Studies>>,
13, 1980, 357-411.
** 200. "The Limits off Togetherness". <<Proceedings,
Invited Keynote address to IFIP, World Congress in Tokyo and Melbourne>>,
Editor, S. Lavington. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: North holland
Pub. Co., 1980, 999-1012.
201. <<Calculator Saturnalia>>. London: Wildwood,
1980. (with Glanville, R. and Robinson, M.)
** 202. "Commentary on Scandura, J. M., <<Problem Solving>>,
1977". <<Journal Struct. Learning>>, Volume 6,
1980, 335-346.
203. Fourth Richmond Conference on Decision Making in Complex
Systems, Editors and contributors Robinson, M. and Pask, G., 1980.
** 204. "Concepts, Coherence and Language". <<Proceedings,
5th Eurpoean Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna,
8-11 April 1980>>.
** 205. "Some Generalisations of Conversation Theory and
Protolanguage Lp". <<Proceedings, 5th European Meeting
on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, 8-11 April 1980>>.
** 206. "Developments in Conversation Theory: Actual and
Potential Applications". In <<Applied Systems and Cybernetics>>,
Volume III, Editor, G. Lasker, New York: Pergamon Press, 1981,
** 207."In Contrast to Scandura". In <<Applied
Systems and Cybernetics>>, Volume II, Editor, G. Lasker.
New York: Pergamon Press, 1981, 760-769.
208. "A Computer Implemented Protologic for Representing
Coherence amongst and distinctions between Parts of Knowledge".
<<Proceedings, American Scoiety for Cybernetics>>,
Washington: ASC, 1981.
209. "New Cybernetics". <<Proceedings, American
Society for Cybernetics>>, Washington: ASC, 1981. (with
R. Glanville)
210. "Cybernetics of Learning Style and Knowledge Acquisition".
Invited paper, <<Proceedings, 1st International Concordia
Conference on educational Technology>>, Montreal: Concordia
University, 1981.
** 211. "Some Relations between Personal Construct Theory
and Conversation Theory; between Grids and Meshes". In <<Practicalities
of Personal Construct Theory>>, Editors, M. Shaw and T.
Keen. Montreal: Cybersystems Publishing,
212. "Conversation Theory". <<Proceedings, 'Systems
in Education'>>, FEoll Paderborn, Editor, M. Lansky. 1981.
???what is this???
213. "Series of Occasional papers". in <<Inst.
Androgology>>, Editor, G> de Zeeuw. Amsterdam: 1981.
214. "Conversation in Education and Epistemology". Series
of lectures with B. N. F. de Gelder, in <<Inst. Education>>,
University of Goteborg, 1981.
215. "Architectural Systems - some thoughts". <<Proceedings,
Seminar Technological Design Strategies, North East London Polytechnic,
School of Architecture, February, 1982.
216. "Developments in ConversationTheory - Part II>>,
In <<Inst. Journal Man Machine Studies>>.
** 217. "An Historical Case Study Leading to the Micrprocessor
Era", final title: "SAKI: 25 years of Adaptive Training
inti the Microprocessor Era". In <<Inst. Journal Man
Macine Studies, Special Issue on Microprocessor Technology.
218. <<Microman>>. Century UK: Lifecycle Multimedia
Publications; France: Interedition; USA: MacMillan, 1982. (with
S. Curran)???
219. "Recent Developments in the Protologics of Thought".
<<Proceedings, EMCSR, Vienna 1982>>, 1982.
** 220. "The Originality of Cybernetics and the Cybernetics
of Originality". <<Proceedings, EMSCR, 1982>>,
221. "Philosophy of Cybernetics" and "Cybernetics
and Design Processes". Seminars to Neuman Computer Society,
Budapest, SZAMI 1982.
** 222. <<Eureka>>. Musical and Lyrics, (Music Anthony
Feldman), 1982. (fragments/no music)
- "Space Time Frames". <<AAQ>>, London:
Architectural Association.
- "A Theory of Theories of Architecture". London: Architectural
Association, (collection volume), 1982, 1983.
- "Developments in Conversation Theory". (series of
8; 2 published) In <<International. Jrl. Man Macine Studies.
- "Lp a Protolanguage". Report (also paper in International.
Jrl. Man Macine Studies).
- "Varieties of Conscious Process". Report (also paper
in Neurological Research).
- <<Individuality, Society and Thought>>. Book.
- "Statistical Mechanics of Social and Individual Learning".
Report (also paper).
- <<Real Decisions>>. Book based on ARI reports.
- <<Responsibility: Practice; Clients and Practitioners>>.
- Other Lyrics (some complete) - music by Anthony Feldman and
part of (as yet untitled) show.
BOX VC (U=unnumbered, therefore not in original bibliograghy)
** U1. "Microcomputers in Secondary Education: Issues and
Techniques". Editor, J. A. M. Howe and P. M. Ross. Depart-
ment of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, London:
Kogan Page; New York: Nichols Publishing Company
** U2. "A Computer Based Knowledge Representation: An Application
of Conversation Theory". Presented at 4th Canadian Symposium
on Instructional Technology, Winnipeg, October 1983. Preparation
and research supported by the U.S. Army Research Institute for
the Behavioural and Social Sciences. Written while at Center for
System Research and Applied Epistemology, Concordia University,
Montreal, Quebec.
** U3. "Review of Conversation Theory and a Protologic (or
Protolanguage), Lp". In <<ERIC/ECTJ Annual Review Paper,
Spring 1984. Preparation supported by U. S. Army Research Institute
for the Behavioural and Social Sciences under grant MDA903-82-C-0055
to Concordia University, Centre for System Rsearch and Applied
** U4. "Problematic Situation". In <<Cybernetic>>
1, publisher: ASC>
** U5. "Conversation Theory and Its Protologic". Manuscript.
** U6. "Conversation and Support". Inaugural Address
presented 30 november 1987 at the occasionof assuming responsibility
as guest professor in General Andragological Sciences.
** U7. "Learning Strategies, Teaching strategies, and Conceptual
or Learning Style". In <<Learning Strategies and Learning
Styles>>, Editor, R. R. Schmeck. New York: Plenum Publishing
** U8. "A celebration of the conceptual process, its complementary
architecture of knowledge and belief and the orthogonal motions
of thought, action and of utterance". Paper, mid-1980's.
** U9. UNTITLED. Written while at University of Tilburg, Department
of Psychology, 1980.
** U10. "On Conversation Theory and a Protologic or Protolanguage)
Lp". Preparation supported by the U.S. Army Research Institute
for the Behavioural and Social Sciences under Grant No. MDS903-82-C-0055
to Concordia University, Centre for Systems Research and Applied
** U11. "A D Article on Complexity". System Research
** U12."Developments in Conversation Theory: Actual and Potential
Applications". Paper for International Congress on Applied
Systems Research and Cybernetics, Acapulco, Mexico 12-15 December
Russian and German Manuscripts
Loose Pages
Early Unreferenced Papers
Concordia Video Scripts
Literary Reviews ON or BY Pask
Master Bibliography
Old Bibliography
Pask CV w/others
Old Reference Lists and Library Contents
Glossary of Terms
<<Air Force Office for Scientific Research>>.
Contract #AF61(052)-640, Admin. Report #6: Research on Cybernetic
Investigation of Learning and Perception.
Contract #F61-052-67-C-0011, Final Scientific Report: Models of
Adaptive Systems for Computer Aided Instuction.
Contract #F61-052-70-C-0011, Scientific Note #1.
Contract #F44610-72-0091, Progress Report: Strategic Disposition
Tests and the Influence of Learning Strategy on the Performance
and Breakdown of Skills.
Contract #F44620-76-0-003 (may be F44620-76-C-003), The Influence
of Learning Strategies and Performace Strategy Upon Engineering
Scientific Note 2(goes with Progress Report #5).
Progress Reports: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Scientific Note 4 with Appendices
Final ScientificReport???is it clear that this and last entry
are part of previuosrly ProgressReport #3.
Final Report.
Research Proposal, A New Type of Mental test for Aptitude and
Conceptual Style.
Contract #A/70/GEN/9725, Comparitive Study of Adaptively Controlled
and Other Methods of Instruction.
Volume 1, 2.
Amended Summary and Outline of Recommendations.
Contract #NCW381/1484, Correspondence.
Contract #SLC6C-288, Correspondence.
Research Proposal, "Uncertainty Regulation in Learning Applied
to Procedures for Teaching Concepts of
<<Smugglers Test>>.
<<Solartron>>. "Solartron Rheem Learning and
Teaching Machine Project".
<<Spy Ring>>. Spy Ring Historical as of 7 November
<<Spy Ring and Smugglers>>.
<<Architrainer>>. Ann Winfield, Chris Abel
<<EXTEND>>. Related to CASTE.
<<Chemical Simulator>>.
<<Driver Education>>.
<<Echo Detection>>.
<<Department of Employment>>.
<<Entailment Meshes>>. Copies.
<<Gas Board>>.
<<Henry VIII Test>>.
<<Intruder Alarm test>>.
<<Meiosis and Mitosis>>.
<<Meta Form>>.
<<Army Research Institute>>.
Grant #DAERO-75-G07, 1st Richmond Conference.
Final technical report.
Grant #DAERO-76-G-043, 2nd Richmond Conference.
Final technical report (original copy).
Final technical report (copy).
Grant #DAERO-78-G-037, 3rd Richmond Conference.
Final technical report.
"Observablle Components of the Decision Process and a Revised
Theoretical Position". Pask.
Grant #DAJA37-80-C-0014, 4th Richmond Conference.
Grant #DAERO-76-G-069, Cognitive Mechanism and Behaviours Involved
in other than Institutional Learning
and Using Principles of Decision.
Periodic Report #1, 2, 3.
Research Note 80-4.
Final Technical Report. (original)
Final Technical Report. (copy)
Grant #DAERO-79-G-0009, Specialized Forms and Individual Subtasks
of the Team Decision System.
Proposal, dated 30 June 1978.
Proposal, dated 4 September 1978.
1st Periodic Report.
Grant #DAERO DAJA 37-81-C-0020, Knowledge and Innovation of Decision
Files and Correspondence.
2nd Progress Report.
Interim Report.
Contract #MDA-903-82-C-0055, Research on Complex Decision Making,
Knowledge Representation, and the
Transfer of Existing Systems to the ARI.
Final Report (original).
Final report (copy).
Research Proposal on Education Access for Ford Foundation, Brazil.
Final Report (bound copies).
Final Report Volume 2.
<<Steam Engine>>.
Derek Richards version at System Research Ltd.
Early Pangaro Versions.
<<Lp>>. AMTE Memos.
Main Paper (Pask) with additional notes.
<<Photos and Graphics>>.
<<Team Decision Systems>>.
Command Manual.
Program Listings.
Session Printouts.
Videotape index.
America 79.
Brunel University.
Cooperative Projects.
Lifecycle Publications (Microman).
Markle Foundation.
References (others).
(Mike)Robinson, Social Synthesis Unit.
SGSR August 79.
(University of) Surrey.
System Research Ltd. (incorporation INTUITION R).
System Research Ltd., America.
Vienna 1980.
Others CV's, uncollated History.
Diary 1981.
Address Book.
Uncollated Correspondence.
Uncollated Letters, etc.
HR 1424/1, Final Report 31 May 1973.
Volumes 1, 2.
HR 1876/1, Interim Report 31 January 1973.
HR 2371/1, Final Report 31 April 1974.
Volumes 1, 2.
HR 2708/1, Progress Report 3.
Volume 2 only.
HR 2708/2, Progress Report 4.
Volumes 1, 2.
HR 2708/2, Statistical data from two learning style tests.
Subject Matter Representation: A Method and the Outline of a Theory.
Summary field work.
Final report.
Proposal Materials.
MISC. (INTUITION, odd papers)
With open reel audio tape.
Papers by others on Pask.
Uncollated Pask materials.
Originals of papers, drawings, letters, etc.
PAN Personal Pask/UK Archive.
Theatricals/Technical drawings.
Large drawings