Cover image: Gordon Pask.
Pask Collection
“A Comment, A Case History, and a Plan”, in Cybernetic Serendipity, J. Reichardt, (Ed.), Rapp and Carroll, 1970. Reprinted in Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, Reichardt, J., (Ed.) Studio Vista, London, 1971, 76-99.
“The Limits of Togetherness”, Proceedings, Invited Keynote address to IFIP, World Congress in Tokyo and Melbourne, Editor, S. Lavington. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: North holland Pub. Co., 1980, 999-1012.
“The meaning of cybernetics in the behavioural sciences”, reprinted in Progress of Cybernetics, edited by J. Rose, 1969.
“Anti-Hodmanship: a Report on the State and Prospects of CAI”, in Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, Volume 9, No. 5, September 1972, p.235-244.
“Conversational Techniques in the Study and Practice of Education”, in British Journal of Educational Psychology, Volume 46, I, 1976, 12-25.
“Styles and Strategies of Learning”, in British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 46, II, 128-148, 1976.
“Learning Strategies, Teaching Strategies, and Conceptual or Learning Style”, in Schmeck, R. (Ed.), Learning Strategies and Learning Styles, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, 1988.
“Conversation and Support”, Inaugural Address presented 30 November 1987 on the occasion of assuming responsibility as guest professor in General Andragological Sciences.
“Against Conferences” or “The Poverty of Reduction in Sop-Science and Pop-Systems”, Proceedings, Silver Anniversary International Meeting of Society for General Systems Research, London, August 1979, Washington: SGSR, xii-xxv.
“Developments in Conversation Theory—Part 1”, in International Journal of Man-Machine Studies [now International Journal of Human-Computer Studies] 13, 357-411, 1980
“Developments in Conversation Theory: Actual and Potential Applications”, International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics, Acapulco, Mexico, December 1980
“Artificial Intelligence: A Preface and a Theory”, published as introduction to chapter entitled “Aspects of Machine Intelligence” in Soft Architecture Machines, edited by Nicholas Negroponte, MIT Press, 1976. (See also a simpler description of the framework.)
“An Essay on the Kinetics of Language, Behavior and Thought”, Proceedings, Silver Anniversary International Meeting of Society for General Systems Research, London, August 1979, Washington: SGSR, 111-128.
“Consciousness”, Proceedings 4th European Meeting on Cybernetics and System research, Linz, Austria, March 1978, in Journal of Cybernetics, Washington: Hemisphere, 1980, 211-258.
“Organisational Closure of Potentially Conscious Systems”, Proceedings NATO Congress on Applied General Systems Research, Recent Developments and Trends, Binghamton, New York 1977; and Realities Conference, EST Foundation, San Fransisco 1977. Reprinted in Autopoiesis, Editor, M. Zelany. New York: North Holland Elsevier.
“Comments on the Cybernetics of Ethical, Psychological and Sociological Systems”, in Progress in Bio-Cybernetics, Volume 3 (Norbert Weiner Memorial Volume), J.P.Shade (ed.). Elsevier Press, 1966, p.158-250.
“Proposals for a Cybernetic Theatre”, privately circulated monograph (System Research Ltd and Theatre Workshop), 1964.
“The conception of a shape and the evolution of a design”, conference on Design Methods, September 1962, J. C. Jones and D. G. Thornley, editors. London: Pergamon Press 1963.
“A proposed evolutionary model”, reprinted in Principles of Self-Organisation, H. von Foerster and G. Zopf, editors. London: Pergamon Press, 1961.
"The Natural History of Networks", reprinted in Self-Organizing Systems, M. C. Yovits and S. Cameron, editors. London: Pergamon Press, 1960.
“Physical Analogues to the Growth of a Concept”, reprinted in Mechanisation of Thought Processes, A. Uttley (ed.). London: HMSO, 1959, p.877-922.