• Pangaro Incorporated

    Language is to Conversation as Air is to Breathing
    Paul Pangaro, May 6, 2009 /
    situate.us workshop / Strategy Lab @ Ontario College of Art and Design


    (To sketch out this talk, I used an old pad from Idealab that had been made obsolete in a brand redesign around the time I worked there in 2005.

    I used my written notes to guide the live talk, but there isn't an exact correspondence between the sketched notes, the text outline that starts below and continues on subsequent pages.)

    My title is "Language is to Conversation as Air is to Breathing." But that's just a McGuffin.

    Conversation means "to turn together" and this format—my presenting to you—places severe limits on our collaboration in turning together through our shared ideas.

    However I hope to convey some useful ideas for you to converse to your self about during the presentation, and perhaps we can "turn together" in a later segment with questions and answers.

    Select Tab A in the image to continue.


    BACK to start page. See also materials at Designing for Conversation.


    Personal thanks to Michael Dila of Torch Partnership Toronto for sponsoring the workshop and my participation.