• Pangaro Incorporated

    Language is to Conversation as Air is to Breathing
    Paul Pangaro, May 6, 2009 /
    situate.us workshop / Strategy Lab @ Ontario College of Art and Design

                                                                                                               Speaker's Notes:




    If we want to design, I claim we are interested in possibilities. Let me demonstrate this claim by asking, would you be willing to design something for me under the constraint that you were only allowed to explore 2 possibilities. Would that be ok? No, it wouldn't. Because we want possibilities when we design. So we should be interested in what limits our possibilities.

    OK, so what limits our possibilities?

    Select Tab C in the image to continue.


    BACK to start page. See additional materials at Designing for Conversation.


    Personal thanks to Michael Dila of Torch Partnership Toronto for sponsoring the workshop and my participation.