• Pangaro Incorporated

    Language is to Conversation as Air is to Breathing
    Paul Pangaro, May 6, 2009 /
    situate.us workshop / Strategy Lab @ Ontario College of Art and Design

                                                                                                                                                                      Speaker's Notes

    Let me leave you with a question.

    I started with my title, Language is to Conversation as Air is to Breathing. But now I want to shift to a new frame for conversation.

    If we think of conversation as a technology—a means to an end, a form of instrumentation, a directive for engineering—what becomes possible for us?

    I say this because what I really want is to get away from a conversation about technology. Technology is a red herring—we're using technology because we want something else—we don't want the technology for its own sake. At least, I don't.

    So I ask the question again, if conversation is thought of as merely a technology—a means to an end, a form of instrumentation—what becomes possible in the realm of our desires?




    BACK to start page. See additional materials at Designing for Conversation.


    Personal thanks to Michael Dila of Torch Partnership Toronto for sponsoring the workshop and my participation.